February 9, 2025 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 8, 2025 – Saturday
4:00 PM God’s Blessings on Helena Strykowski’s 100th Birthday
February 9, 2025 – Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
9:00 AM sp. Zdzisław Głowacki from Ancukiewicz Family
sp. Paul Kazalski, Jr. (First Anniversary) from Kazalski Family
February 15, 2025 – Saturday
4:00 PM sp. Brian Carroll from Barbara O’Connell/Carroll
sp. Cecile and George McMeniman from Daughters
sp. Mary and John Sweeney from Marcia and Michael Crowley
sp. Valerie Kinnal Cummings from Jane Oczkowski
February 16, 2025 – Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
9:00 AM Special Intentions from Kołodziej Family
Monday – Friday
12 Noon Mass at Saints Campus Chapel
Please pray for all our parishioners and their families and for those who minister to us - Fr. Sannella, Fr. Janusz, Fr. Healey, Fr. Raju and Deacon Steve.
Weekly Collection $1235
Cemetery Fund $497
Thank you.
Thank you to the following donors to the Parish Fund:
- Anonymous
- Helena and Andrzej Kołodziej
- William Bator
- Susan S. Dussault
- Marek Ancukiewicz
The following is the response to the parish’s $1, 000 donation to the Felician Sister of Enfield, Connecticut:
Dear Father Sannella,
Thank you for your most thoughtful gift in support of the Felician Sisters at the Our Lady of the Angels Convent in Enfield Connecticut. We are deeply grateful for your gift and humbled by your kindness.
Your friendship is a true blessing to our sisters as they continue their journey in faith- a journey filled with hope for the people and ministries they serve, hope for those they have yet to serve, and hope for the spiritual renewal of the world.
You will be remembered, along with family members, friends, and benefactors, in the daily prayers. Thank you once again for your kindness and generosity. We wish you joy and blessings in the New Year.
Peace and all good things.
Julie S. Kresge
Second collections for February:
- February 8 – Monthly Maintenance Collection
- February 15 – Cemetery Fund
- February 22 – Support of the Church Around the World
Your turn at bat
Ever feel overwhelmed in the face of a monumental experience? Many of us have been there, including the prophet Isaiah. Isaiah had known first hand the glory of God. In the face of such great beauty and goodness, he felt keenly his own imperfections and those of his community. Yet, God accepted Isaiah as he was and at the same time helped transform him so that he felt empowered to step up and volunteer his life. Today is a good time to ask yourself whether you are prepared to step up to the plate and offer your life to God.
To be “fishers of men” is the church’s deepest mission and joy.
---Bishop Silvio Jose Baez, O.C.D.
Reprinted with permission from Prepare The Word (© 2025), www.PrepareTheWord.com.
This list of Jubilee Churches in our Archdiocese and the requirements to receive a plenary indulgence are posted in the vestibule of the church.
Happy Valentine’s Day