February 16, 2025 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 15, 2025 – Saturday
4:00 PM sp. Brian Carroll from Barbara O’Connell/Carroll
sp. Cecile and George McMeniman from Daughters
sp. Mary and John Sweeney from Marcia and Michael Crowley
sp. Valerie Kinnal Cummings from Jane Oczkowski
February 16, 2025 – Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
9:00 AM Special Intentions from Kolodziej Family
February 22, 2025 – Saturday
4:00 PM sp. Lenny Olenick from Family
sp. Captain John Ogonowski from Family
sp. Eileen and Eugene Richard from Jane Oczkowski
February 23, 2025 – Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
9:00 AM sp. Stanislaw Ancukiewicz from Ancukiewicz Family
sp. Edward Szeweczak from Kaleta Family
Monday – Friday
12 Noon Mass at Saints Campus Chapel
Please pray for all our parishioners and their families and for those who minister to us - Fr. Sannella, Fr. Janusz, Fr. Healey, Fr. Raju and Deacon Steve.
Second collections for February:
- February 15 – Cemetery Fund
- February 22 – Support of the Church Around the World
Next week’s second collection supports the Church in those underdeveloped areas of the world. Catholic Relief Services (CRS), the Church in Africa and in Central and Eastern Europe and three important national Catholic missions: The Military Archdiocese, Home Missions, and the Black and Indian Missions.
Your generosity will help fund the spiritual, educational, and humanitarian needs of the Church around the world.
The Polish books we use on the altar for the Polish Masses are regretfully outdated and need to be replaced. If you wish to help pay for new books, please put your donation in an envelope and mark it “NEW POLISH BOOKS.”
Did you know?
Christmas in Old Polish Times
In old Polish times, farm work had to be finished before Advent, a time for rest and reflection. On Christmas Eve, with the house decorated and food prepared, fast was broken when the first star appeared. Hosts, guests and servants ate together, leaving an empty place in memory of the dead. Later everyone went to midnight Mass.
On Christmas Day, no farm work was done except for the necessary care of animals. Before celebrating at home, the faithful attended Holy Mass. Clergy preached joyful sermons, often with a humorous nature to emphasize the joy of Christ’s birth.
Information: polishhistory.pl, “Christmas in Old Polish Times” by Dr. Anna Wojciuk
When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.
---Willie Nelson
The beatitudes say, “Blessed are the poor.” They don’t say, “Blessed are those who care for the poor.”
----Henri Nouwen
The Beatitudes weigh in
Trust in God, but tie your camel, the old Arab proverb advises. Trusting in God does not mean living like an idiot and taking foolish chances. Jesus advised his disciples similarly, “You must be wise as serpents and innocent as dove.” He also said if you build your house on sand, don’t be surprised when it washes away. The word used here is not simply sand, but a veritable wash: Don’t uild your house where the water habitually comes, or you are asking for trouble!
Jesus took his own advice when he met the devil in the desert. The devil urged him to throw himself off a pinnacle and to trust that God would keep him safe. That’s not a working definition of trusting in God, Jesus assured Satan. That’s called tempting God!
What Jesus means by trusting in God is evident in the listing of the Beatitudes. Those who trust in God live out of the conviction that being poor, needy, sad, or despised now is the smallest and least important part of the story. What awaits those who suffer these conditions faithfully now is the day of restoration in the reign of God.
Of course, the reverse is necessarily true. Those who are comfortable, content, and well-received now will be bitterly disappointed if they bank on their present happiness. In the reign of God, those who counted on their own resources will find themselves penniless and wanting.
Reprinted with permission from Prepare The Word (© 2025), www.PrepareTheWord.com.
This list of Jubilee Churches in our Archdiocese and the requirements to receive a plenary indulgence are posted in the vestibule of the church.