Organizations and Service Groups

Parish Mission Statement

Holy Trinity Parish, whose dimension is manifested by the celebration of the Eucharist and the sacramental life, participates in the evangelization mission of the Roman Catholic Church by internalizing the Gospel Message and by making a faith response to it through spiritual development programs. Through a collaborative approach with the parish school, religious education, and youth ministry programs, it shares in nurturing the faith experiences in the young people. We also seek to render assistance to the needs of the parishioners and local community through outreach programs. As the mother parish of the Polish Community in the Merrimack Valley, we seek to preserve our rich Cultural experiences that are parts of our ethnic tradition.

Altar Servers

Students in grades three through twelve are encouraged to participate in the role of Altar Server by assisting the priests in the celebration of the liturgy. The altar servers are overseen by Mrs. Rae Ann Jacek.

Eucharistic Ministers

The Eucharistic Ministers are commissioned to assist in the distribution of communion during Mass. We presently have fifteen Eucharistic Ministers, two of whom work with Sister Eileen, the hospital chaplain at Lowell General Hospital, as pastoral visitors.

Holy Name Society

Sets an example of charity toward all men by Christianizing every area of human activity and by carrying Christ into the community. The Holy Name Society attends the 9:00 a.m. Mass in a body on the second Sunday of every month with a breakfast meeting following.

Our Lady of Czestochowa Sodality

Tries to set examples of virtue, charity and holiness for all young women of the parish community. They meet once a month with special masses in May and October.


Lectors prepare, reflect and proclaim the Word of the Lord at parish liturgies. We presently have sixteen lectors.

Liturgy Committee

The Liturgy Committee helps the pastor to publicize, organize, and prepare for liturgical celebrations.


Our parish has an adult English choir which sings at the 4:00 p.m. mass on Saturday and at special liturgical celebrations. Our parish also has a Polish choir which sings at the 10:30 a.m. Polish Sunday Mass and in collaboration with the adult English choir for special liturgical celebrations. The adult choir practice on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m.
Our children's choir sings at the 9 a.m. Sunday Family Mass.

Parent Teacher Organization

The official parental organization of our school which serves as a support for the parents and teachers of Saint Stanislaus School, the Holy Trinity Parish School. All school parents are urged to become active members of this organization and support its functions. Board members are elected to two year terms. The group meets the first Monday of each month in the Parish Hall.

Parish Pastoral Council

The pastoral council serves as the main advisory board to the pastor. The council sets parish goals and is involved in long-range planning. The council meets one evening a month.

Parish Finance Committee

Assists the pastor by providing counsel, when requested, concerning the general care and administration of parish property and finance. This committee meets once a month.

Polish Cultural Committee

The function of this committee is to: foster an awareness of Polish culture -- past, present, and continuity thereof; to foster an awareness of Polonia's role in Lowell's development; to serve Greater Lowell's Polonia and community at large with respect to the above aims; and to attempt to present or be involved in cultural events including Lowell's Folk Festival and the Multi-Cultural Mass on Ascension Thursday.

Religious Education Classes -- CCD Program

Formal Religious instruction is offered each week for students who attend public and non-Catholic schools. Classes for grades one thru ten are held every Tuesday evening from 6:00 p.m. till 7:15 p.m. in St. Stanislaus School.

Saint Stanislaus School Advisory Board

The Board serves in an advisory capacity regarding school policy and generally meets once a month during the school year. Parents, parishioners, and alumni are eligible for nomination to this board.

Senior Citizens Club

Offers spiritual and social support to the senior members of our Parish Community who are sixty years of age and older. This group meets weekly on Wednesday at noon in the parish hall. Once a month they meet in a body for noon mass to be celebrated before their weekly gathering.


These individuals assist during liturgical celebrations by distributing bulletins, organizing the presentation of the gifts, taking up the offertory, and greeting parishioners as they enter and leave the church.

Youth Ministry

The Youth Ministry program offers spiritual guidance as well as providing a safe and stable atmosphere for social gatherings for the young people in grades 7 thru 10 at our Drop-in Center in the Parish Hall. Supervision is provided by one adult volunteer as well as several youth ministers. Father Stanislaw Kempa is also available to minister to the needs of the youth who attend this program.

Knights of Columbus

Knights of Columbus meet the first and third Wednesday of every month at 7:30 p.m. in the Parish hall. Formation of St. Maximillian Kolbe Council began in July 1995. Until the Charter is granted by the Supreme Council, St. Maximillian Kolbe Council is working together with Lowell Council #72. The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic Family Fraternal Service Organization dedicated to the principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. The principle activity held is the Tootsie-Roll drive under the auspices of the Massachusetts State Charity Fund for the aid and support of retarded and handicapped children of all faiths. The chaplain is Reverend Stanislaw Kempa.

Living Rosary

We have 27 groups of 15 parishoners who pray the living rosary each day. Every person says one decade of the rosary daily, so that as a community they fulfill the 15 decades for the three mysteries. Please join us in praying the rosary. New members are always welcome.